By: Cassandra Dhaenens 1/10/2017
There is a new company that just started only a few weeks ago, and we think it is an ingenious idea. Getting the idea from having a record label and not able to monetize Scott Mckinley started up Hi-Tunes. The revolutionary new way to get your music out there while also enjoying your medication. So far Scott has 17 bands on this project and plans to get more.
This is a very exciting new product that is going to sweep across Washington state like fire (pun Intended). Probably wondering by now what is Hi-Tunes? You ever wonder what happens when you combine Marijuana and music? Well, you get Hi-Tunes. With every cone you purchase at 220 supporting dispensaries in Washington, you will also get one song from a band or artist. Just scan the QR code and enjoy the amazing talent .As Scott put it "exposure is exposure and each tube is another billboard for the band." which is great since each tube can be scanned multiple times. It also allows you to check out any of the band's social media, other music they may have free online or their website. Everyone benefits from this product fans enjoy their medication and some new music and bands get more fans.
Are you a band and reading this article wondering how you could be apart of this amazing project? "It's easy!" says Scott. Just visit Hi-Tunes.com Scott has conveniently placed all of the contact information on the first page you can also see this promotional video' showing everything you need to know about the product works.
I am seriously excited about this product. It's going to help out the music community in so many ways. So if you're a band, I urge you to contact Scott Mckinnley via email immediately cause why wait for any second longer. If you are constantly looking for new music and just love Mary Jane, Keep an eye out on Hi-Tunes Facebook page to see if they will be coming to a store near you. So the like button on Hi-Tunes Facebook page. If you Purchase, one of the bad boys shares a picture with Bella Entertainment cause we love music, primarily local, as much as you do.