By: Cassandra Dhaenens
When you've gone to as many as thirty concerts in a year as I have. You sometimes have to mentally prepare yourself before hand for a concert. Listening to your favorite band at home is completely different than seeing them live. At home, you feel the music in a calm place verses at a live show where you are surrounded by thousands of people who all experience the music differently. If you enjoy the type of music than you are also in store for possibly coming out of there with an injury. That being said, here are a few Do's and Don'ts music fans should take into consideration before attending a live show.

1. Go crazy, but not to crazy.

You have paid to see a band who you love, Therefore, you have every right to freakout during their set. Just remember, you're no in your bedroom nor are you alone. Be respectful of the people around you, but don't be so lame that you just stand there watching with your arms crossed. A band enjoys playing in from of a lively crowd, many artists I know say it's their favorite thing about playing for a huge crowd. So jump, scream, and sing as loud as you can, just be mindful of others next you.
2. Post as many Snapchat stories as you want.

This is your night. Post as many snapchat stories as you want. Your story is something you will watch over and over again for a very long time. So make the most of it record every moment cause trust me you are going to want to remember this night. If your follower don't want to watch your abnormally long story they can choose not to. If they complain they are probably just jealous you got to see Nickelback.
3. Put away your phone.

Aside from your snapchat stories, take a few pictures and a full song video, but don't make a movie. Chances are there is already a videotographer there taking video of the entire show.. I find it alot more fun trying to find myself in the crowd than it is to watch a shaky video that half the time doesn't show anything and has crappy sound quality on it. Wait to watch it on youtube. Instead sing and dance and make a memorable experience. You will most likely see this band again on day anyways.
4. Sing as loud as you want.

Sing until you can't sing any longer. Who cares if the person next to you thinks you are tone deaf? He can get over it. Plus if you are good enough the musicians might notice and your night has just become epic.
5. Don't Push.

Try not to push the people in front of you so that you can get closer to the stage, you're going to fail, and possibly piss some people off. If you get enough people pushing depending on how large the crowd is. Can result in an injury to the person that is on the railing in front holding on for dear life. Seen it happen and have seen bands kick people out for their aggression. Instead of spending the entire show worrying about how close you are. Try to enjoy the band and the music from where you are. The band will sound the same from the front row as they do from the fifth. If you are that worried about being in the front then get to the venue early. This rule can also apply to moshpit. Stay in the designated area of the mosh pit don't try to push people in that don't want to go into the pit. You could potentially cause someone to get hurt and then they sue the venue cause someone ruined it for them and then it ruins it for everyone. Don't be the a-hole that ruined the fun.
6. Cry.

The band starts to play your favorite song and you feel emotional; good! Cry and let it all out. An artist or bands goal is to make people feel something from their music, so feel something.
7. Rock out, don't pass out.

Try to stay away from the alcohol at a concert. Drink water, stay hydrated and stay safe. It gets hot in venues and the last thing you want is to pass out mid concert and miss the entire show cause alcohol was more important.
8. Meet new people.

One of the best things about going to a concert is interacting with other fans and enjoying the show with them. Introduce yourself, share your concert experiences, and talk about why you love the band that you are about to see. Who knows, you might meet a life long friend, or something more *wink*
9. Crowd surf at least once, if you can.

If you have never crowd surfed at a concert, than you need to. It's a great experience to be held up by all of these like minded people while you are being hurdled closer and closer to the stage. It's like experiencing a roller coaster or tattoo for the first time you want to continue going back. I promise you won't regret it.
Make sure to comment below your Do's and Don'ts of going to a concert, or share with us your concert experiences. Make sure to give Bella Entertainment Magazine a like to get more article like this,